just like a tin can hat

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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Holiday update

Been doing some emergency babysitting lately, Mother dear's friend is sick and pregnant, so I'm looking after her two year old daughter. Hence no going out for me... mostly just kiddy DVD's. ie The Wiggles, Beauty and the Beast and the Mickey Mouse version of The Three Musketeers.

Anyway, have also been trying to update my blog a bit. If you have a look over there--> under [Things to go see] you'll now see a link to my new photo album! Go. Click. Poses a plenty. Includes pics from my b'day 04 and also the recent Asia camp... The horror of it all, I am red... not good

RE: the weird guy at the bus stop. Father dear dropped me off at the licensing centre to book my next driving test [4th of august if you're wondering] I finished quite quickly so ended up trying to find a bus to garbo. After calling tina bout bus schedules I did end up finding the right bus stop, but had this weird guy who came up and was just standing behind me. Not meaning to offend anyone here but I think he was disabled... and well.. it was creepy. But have no fear I got on the bus unscathed, but for future note, I don't particularly like standing on random suburban streets with odd people standing behind me. Alf Curlewis moments are bad [specially when you are by yourself]

What else, what else... had an Engineering dinner on monday at Jo's house which was nice... ate a lot and played cards but since then I have been a hobbit/hermit/yobbit creature again.

Off to dinner now... *Catch you all on the flip side* ... or not...

[and even though you probably don't read this... *Happy Birthday Frans!*]

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!