just like a tin can hat

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

A Pointless Post

[This post today brought to you in blue-hued vision!]

Grace is bored right now, and has reverted to talking about herself in the third person for no reason other than she wants to =) At about eight she is off to visit with miss's loo and djunaedi for updates, goss and what not so alas her math study will have to be put off till tomorrow!

So what happened to Grace this week... nothing too drama-tic. She had a few mock-driving-tests and passed [mostly, the real thing on thursday week!] And for some reason she couldn't get the word 'spanakopita' out of her head...[its greek spinach pie in case you were wondering!] Is this the key to passing her practical driving test? Who knows...

One other thought that Grace has been pondering: Is it wrong to think that the new pope is slightly creepy looking? Will she go to hell for such thoughts? Is it a sin to think that this german pope looks kind of evil? Will these rhetorical questions ever end??

Grace recently watched Team America too as it was highly praised by Jeremy and Frans, and to some extent Stef too. Therefore to conclude this little random post she will leave you with a little quote from Team America [it's funny, sick and wrong in a puppet kind of way]

"I like you...you've got balls...I like balls..."

And with that to final thought..
buy buy!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!