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Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Johnny!!

Quick note : It's the great Johnny Depp's Birthday today!! woohoo!

So yes happy birthday to Mr Depp who is 41 today, the 9th of June =)

In honour of the occasion Tina, Lynda and Myself will be having celebratory breakfast tomorrow/today. mmm breakfast, I like breakfast!

Side note : Exam study is not going as well as I would like it to... not good... oh exams how I fear and loathe thee.

Anyway to cheer me up on this day of days some pictures of the birthday boy himself :

[hmm "birthday boy" sounds oddly suggestive...]

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So nice in his suit!
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Also very nice with his green shirt!

Anyway thats it for today, off to sleep now. Night!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!