just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

New and still shiny

Hello there you there [or some other non-cliche greeting would go here]

This is Grace's blog... yes indeed she has succumbed and gotten herself her own little blog to rant and rave with all she wants. She even gets to speak in third person if she so wishes! Wow the wonders of the digital age...

So what does one say on their first ever blog entry?

I could always tell you about my *fantastically eventful* day at uni but alas I think the excitement of it all would send you into shock (though I'm not sure there would be very many people reading this right now anyway so it might not matter anyway!) Really there is just a certain amount of engineering *hi jinx* that one persons system can handle and I think it best not to put such a strain on yourself.

Instead for my first post why don't I just say that my name is Grace and you should definitely come back here if you are at all interested in my random and abstract thoughts (oooh clever...see how I oh-so-subtely linked to my URL? I'm as sharp as a tack I am! I am of the quick witted and savvy with the puns!!)

So there you go! Grace's first post... she is now off to procrastinate, do some engineering and physics pre-lab-ing before the O.C. starts.

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