just like a tin can hat

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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Long Live the Empire of the Cat!

Events of the night 25-11-05 include :

  • Lots of driving, including two wrong turns, fixed with the help of Navigator-Loo

  • Picnic by the side of the car [because the organisers are scheming, greedy people who won't allow you to bring food/drink inside] mmm subway is nice... as is sushi! =)

  • At least five different spot changes, in reference to the stage. Some were not good enough, other's had blonde womenly-men swaying/dancing inapproriately in the line of sight, or random weirdoes deciding to stand right in front of us and at times on top of us. In the end we mosh-pitt-ed it [for the problems which lie therein see Note]

  • Two mediocore warm up bands, the first an instrumental group named the Sunshine Brothers, whose name alone is sappy enough to make you gag. Also the band King Curly, who weren't too bad, kind of funny, a little bit sappy, but they had a double bass so who can complain with that?

  • Then there was Cat Empire. Excellent on stage performers, cute trumpeter named Ross and lead singer Felix was also rather nice to look at. All in all it was a great concert! Cat Empire rule...[did you recognise the pun? if not brush up on your play on word skills]

Note: Things that I wish there had been less of : bogans, weirdoes, smelly people, drunk people, tall people, inconsiderate people.

*Sigh* but one cannot have everything, for if one could have everything one would then need a lot of storage to put it all in. And don't say that having everything would include storage, because then where would one store the storage?? In any case I digress...

Cat Empire = good/superlative/impressive

Smelly, weird, tall people and also having everything = bad

For pics go to the side bar and click on Miss Loo's name. She's got pictures from her digital camera and I am too lazy to put a link straight to it, so go to her blog and find them yourselves!

[As indicated by this uncharacteristically long update I am in a much better mood as opposed to the last post. Thank you Johnny Depp, Cat Empire and the people who make such things possible]

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!