just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

My heart's imprisoned like a monkey..

..Throw me a romantic ba-na-na!

Coming to you from the free land of holidays!

All you still in exam mode :

  • Chin up!
  • Buck up soldier
  • Take it like a man/woman [cos lets not be sexist here]
  • Think happy thoughts! [or is that how you fly if you're peter pan... one of those]

So what has this little strumpet been up to now that examination-termination is over?

Not much really.. telethon-ing because I like the people on their like home and away people and the Sam Atwell dude... cos he's cool and shut up don't snigger at me!! He used to be on Home and Away as the guy who 'assaulted' this girl then fell in love with her sister...

[deeep breath]

They then ran away together.. then he made her go back because he was all noble.. then he came back.. they fell in love *again*.. then they ran away together *again*.. they got married, illegally *gasp*.. then the girl lied and said she was preganant.. she then lied and said she had a miscarriage.. then she found out she was *actually* pregnant but had a bad kidney so lost the baby.. then he had cancer and lost a testicle.. er hmm.. then his abusive father came back and robbed something.. then he was framed for it.. then the girl got pregnant *again*.. then he got arrested for the dad's robbery.. he was then found guilty for the thing he didn't do.. then they ran away *again* to live happily ever after.. as fugitives.. So everyone was happy!

Except me because I liked them and now they is not on the teevee no more! [Also some time in there the girl got trapped in a mine shaft with her family and the whole town thought that the dude killed them all.. but he did not and he dug them out of the mine and was a hero, but not with a cape or anything] Its just like Bold and the Beautiful..

Now were you paying attention? Because there's gonna be a test on this next week... mmkay?

Anyways, that dude is gonna be on that new aussie show Headland so witness me as I glue myself to my tv. I'm allowed to, as I am one of the free-flighty-holiday people! woohoo... sorry to those who haven't started yet!! *LUCK* [good luck and not bad luck obviously]

Alrite then... happy lamda? I have now officially updated. You may now let go of your horses!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!