just like a tin can hat

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

I is incommunicado

To hell and damnation with that msn of mine! Haven't been able to sign in for the whole weekend, furthering my incommunicado-like nature.

First exam this thursday... **watch as I magically freak out all over the place this week!**

Stress and caffeine to be had for future-Grace and for that I pity her. Present-Grace here watched a documentary on Michelangelo which, while fascinating, probably won't help when it comes time for Structures 101 exam...

Ah well... what can you do... unless there's some way to instantaneously invent a time machine, it seems there shall be copious amounts of cramming for this first exam in my future... will have to save time when speaking to people and only reply in monosyllables thus freeing myself up for further academic save-age.

Alrite... enough procrastination here... back to work!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!