just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

cotton wool feeling

Happy birthday Mr. Ohara, who now is the little yellow blur thanks to his performances at rise this saturday!

My head is a bit full-feeling all fluffy and cotton-wool like... not as bad as cocktail but funny all the same.

Not much to say today... building myself a bridge at the moment and burnt my hand on the glue gun numerous times! *ArrtT's & CrRAfFTts is FuuUUUunn!!*

Anyway, here are some things to keep you little muffin-headed-pokemon occupied, or at least distracted before upcoming exams :

home star runner... funny little flash site

[I highly recommend the Strong Bad emails for those of you who are not hip to the ways of home star runner dot com... therein lies the origins of the great trogdor the burninator]

Arj and Poopy ... another little flash site about this american comedian guy and his cat. Arj Barker equals funny indeed.

[I recommend going to the episodes section... to warn you though, their theme song gets stuck in your head very easily *arj and poopy, arj and poopy, what will they do next!*]

And with that I leave you to your previous activitites...

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!