A Pointless Post
[This post today brought to you in blue-hued vision!]
Grace is bored right now, and has reverted to talking about herself in the third person for no reason other than she wants to =) At about eight she is off to visit with miss's loo and djunaedi for updates, goss and what not so alas her math study will have to be put off till tomorrow!
So what happened to Grace this week... nothing too drama-tic. She had a few mock-driving-tests and passed [mostly, the real thing on thursday week!] And for some reason she couldn't get the word 'spanakopita' out of her head...[its greek spinach pie in case you were wondering!] Is this the key to passing her practical driving test? Who knows...
One other thought that Grace has been pondering: Is it wrong to think that the new pope is slightly creepy looking? Will she go to hell for such thoughts? Is it a sin to think that this german pope looks kind of evil? Will these rhetorical questions ever end??
Grace recently watched Team America too as it was highly praised by Jeremy and Frans, and to some extent Stef too. Therefore to conclude this little random post she will leave you with a little quote from Team America [it's funny, sick and wrong in a puppet kind of way]
"I like you...you've got balls...I like balls..."
And with that to final thought..
buy buy!
Grace's week...
[in point form]
Had a lovely little gossip session with Stef while we were studying for physics on Friday. There was goss, the 411, the 'low-down' and I am now an expert on the Doppler effect. Great stuff! Plus after four years of knowing her I finally went to Stef's house.
There was a slightly off moment towards the middle of the week: lots of panic, slight depression and a few feelings of perturbation in reference to the word "supposed" in certain contexts but it all came good in the end! Shall blame it on stress and be done with it.
The tests: Well lets just say that if physics was a bitch then financial accounting would be its porn-star drug dealer. And that is all that we shall say on that subject...
Was feeling a great annoyance towards un-helpful, lazy, indifferent lab partners in physics and also stupid minty-looking [with his maroon turtle neck shirt/jumper thing] workgroup partners with hard to pronounce names and who like to be elusive when friday comes for math assignments. Grrr...
Read "The Partner" by John Grisham [very un-satisfying ending] and also "All God's Children" by someone who I can't remember the name of [quite interesting but leads me to want to research who the "Quakers" are...]
Went to 'do lunch' with Tina, Lynda, Stef, Jeremy, Jo and Fern. Followed by a bout of shopping when joined by Nic [Nick? Nik? Nic?] unsuccesful search for a usb cable but $1 earings and quite fun to hang out with Eng. people out of UWA grounds so: good day =)
[notice the point form, enabling me to be lazy and not care about structure.]
Done now!
Larry: the creepy guitar guy
Were you waiting with bated breath for the story of creepy guitar Larry? Well breathe easy good folk for now I shall tell you of his creepy-guitar-ness =) If you weren't waiting with bated breath then I suggest you click that little x in the top of this window and go away quick, cos if you don't I will tell you about aforementioned creepy guitar Larry and you will have no choice but to read it!!
Every thursday I have guitar lessons at Leeming rec. centre, cos it's cheap and I'm too lazy to find myself a real teacher. (sidenote: do you know a cheap guitar teacher? sharing is caring!)
Anywah Larry is the teacher of the class and he is indeed creepy for the following reasons:
1. He wears very strange clothes for a guy his age. He's old-ish, like 40-50-ish and so I don't think it's a particularly good look for him to be wearing surf shirts and shorts (eugh the shorts...see point 2.) It makes him look slightly homeless as he looks very scruffy all the time (and not in a nice way!) with his mismatched clothes.
2. His shorts are just wrong, why? He has much body hair *eugh again!* It's bad...its more then is humanly natural...its scary! What's worse is when he puts one leg up on a chair to balance his guitar on... You'd be scarred for life too if you had his hairy leg in shorts that close to you...
3. He doesn't shave...but doesn't have the cool-guy stubble thing going on for him. instead he has this whole "I'm a creepy lecherous guy who likes to hang out in dark corners and smile weirdly at little children" thing going on. That's not a good thing. Plus his hair is greasy which adds to the lecherous look.
To summarise, Larry is creepy because he has bad fashion sense, wears shorts with his unnatural amounts of body hair and doesn't shave so he leeringly smiles at children.
Well now I've got that out of my system I shall go now. And we shall never speak of creepy guitar Larry again (at least not until i mention him next time)
Tis Thursday Today...
Did you enjoy that lovely piece of alliteration in the title? Who doesn't love the excessive use of a single letter such as T !
Anyways on to more important manners. Did you know that I can't do a French accent? Was quite strange...my driving teacher started speaking in a funny little french accent but horror of all horrors I could not reply back! I tried...it came out kind of English/British, an accent I'm much better at.
Can you do a French accent? Yes you...the one reading the screen. I bet you're trying to right now aren't you? I bet you are sitting in front of your computer trying to produce a french lilt to your voice...if not shame on you, you should be!!
What else happened today, other than that little drama... not much really. If you must know I did some math-ing with ms. stefanie, while people who do E&E [jo, jason, jeremy and frans] were studying for a test. hehehe three out of those four names mentioned started with J...perhaps it is a conspiracy...some plot to take over the world. *x-files music enter here* ooh and then later on when I left the math-help-thing-y the four people that I knew there all had names starting with S [stefanie, sanji, stuart and sandy] it just gets creepier and creepier!! *x-file music get louder*
Another question to you good people (completely off topic) Do you like tripod? They're funny, if you like them I commend you on your good taste. Tripod coming in may and I'm going on may 5th which makes me awfully merry! =)
So that seems it for now, tis thursday today, which you would've known if you read the title! Anyway its thursday which means guitar lessons with creepy Larry (I think the story about creepy guitar Larry will have to wait for another day however)
Ok done now!
New and still shiny
Hello there you there [or some other non-cliche greeting would go here]
This is Grace's blog... yes indeed she has succumbed and gotten herself her own little blog to rant and rave with all she wants. She even gets to speak in third person if she so wishes! Wow the wonders of the digital age...
So what does one say on their first ever blog entry?
I could always tell you about my *fantastically eventful* day at uni but alas I think the excitement of it all would send you into shock (though I'm not sure there would be very many people reading this right now anyway so it might not matter anyway!) Really there is just a certain amount of engineering *hi jinx* that one persons system can handle and I think it best not to put such a strain on yourself.
Instead for my first post why don't I just say that my name is Grace and you should definitely come back here if you are at all interested in my random and abstract thoughts (oooh clever...see how I oh-so-subtely linked to my URL? I'm as sharp as a tack I am! I am of the quick witted and savvy with the puns!!)
So there you go! Grace's first post... she is now off to procrastinate, do some engineering and physics pre-lab-ing before the O.C. starts.
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