just like a tin can hat

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

more pictures to come

Got a lovely stock pile of pictures from assorted events. As soon as I find a good online album place i'll put em up. For now heres some nice ones :

aaww smiley smiley!
mmm cake..
group shot!
though quite bad with everyone looking the wrong way or not looking at all
so from this ......to this!
much nicer and with more people + Birthday girl

change of venue to the beach.
see here I'm too cool to wear sunnies, unlike the rest of them!
(plus I have bunny ears... oh yeah... I'm cool)aaw cute picture.. and only slightly posed!

lovely little beach shot with a tiny bit of ocean in the background

Ok off to pretend to do some work now, which is what you should be doing at the moment too!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!