Oh bugger
Holiday report :
- Pirates of the Caribbean viewings. Johnny Depp always equals good stuff, even really badly written films such as the dubious piece 'The Ninth Gate' was saved by Johnny Depp... even when there was this weird sex bit with a burning church in the background and this devil woman with crazy eyes... but enough of that. Pirates 2 not as good as the first but still pretty good.
- Dvd purchases. Scrubs is funny.. I would expand on this oh-so-profound statement but alas there is a lziness factor which prevents me.
- Lots of people going to melbourne and slowly trickling back to Perth. All these cheap airline tickets are probably a giant conspiracy created by Richard Branson.. one more step toward world domination perhaps.
- Extreme procrastination + lack of motivation has meant that all the things I planned to do this holidays i.e. post-exam clean up, cookie manufacturing and the general organising of social events, all have been forgone in favour of general couch-potato-like behaviour. This can be displayed through the lack of blog updates and the like.
Two week to go... one would hope that the rest of the holidays will be more productive than the first half. Me thinks that a blog-skin-spruce-up is in order. Bye bye for now sports fans!
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