just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

[Insert your own title here]

Its official fellow blog-reader-people, Miss Ong is going to the Big Day Out! She only hopes that there are fewer smelly/sweaty/overtly bogan-ish people then there were at Cat Empire.. admittedly the crowd will probably be very similar though! Damn those bogans and their non-showering ways!

Also hooray! 3 phones have been selling like hot cakes! While one doesn't know the specific statistical information about the rate at which the hot cakes are selling, the saying suggests that they are being sold in reasonably large quantities and within a short span of time. This reflects the way 3 phones are selling at the moment for they too have been sold rather quickly of late... very good for Miss Ong who does so like that extra commision money.

For future reference, Hungry Jacks breakfast is a rip off. Stick to Maccas people unless you're desperate... in that case eat a whole packet of mints in one go or something to that effect because the eggs at Hungry Jacks are dodge and the pan cakes are pretty much the same as Macca's...the mints are a better option..really.. Stupid Hungry Jack ads with their influencing campaigning..

Old news but Yay! Miss Djunaedi has returned and Miss Loo is back soon-ish... we hope... as long as she remembers to get on the plane and all!

Ok so my head is hurting now and I'm once again working tomorrow so I'm off.

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!