just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Like a shamrock on St. Pat's day

ooh lookee here.. Tis all different and green now! I have decided to embrace the hidden argyle-pattern-lover in all of us with this new motif.

And please note... the sidebar is now on the other side!! I know, I know.. it is a crazy world we find ourselves living in, but we must all learn to accept radical change in order to grow. Grow like flowers in the wind... or perhaps grow just like normal flowers in soil as that would probably be the most prosperous way to grow flowers. I think I'm getting 'flowers in the wind' bit mixed up with that 'candle in the wind' song... moving on.

First week of uni, done and done. A week of rain, dragons, Gelares, cookie/sugar OD, fruitless shopping, wet ankles, pizza dough, horoscopes, Guild coffee and lastly redecoration, as seen in evidence here.

Well done to all the UWA-ians for surviving, to Curtin-ites I hope your first week isn't filled with as many drowning hazards, and while yes, we all realise the rain is good for the farmers, on the other hand rain splattered glasses are no sight-deficient-person's friend.

-the end-

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!