just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Official Hit Tina Day!

Which is tomorrow... so all you near and dear to Miss Djunaedi don't forget!!


30th of October =)

Thank you for reading this public service.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

hehehehe witness me giggle

Just a quick note... Go Look :

Asian Backstreet Boys!

Hehehe its funny... with all the greatset songs like "get down get down and move it..." etc etc [well I find it funny and if you don't... pfft!]

And one of the later ones even has the Good Old Fav of fellow Villa 43 residents Tong hua or toong hue or whatever =)

Back to study *sigh*

Sunday, October 23, 2005

I is incommunicado

To hell and damnation with that msn of mine! Haven't been able to sign in for the whole weekend, furthering my incommunicado-like nature.

First exam this thursday... **watch as I magically freak out all over the place this week!**

Stress and caffeine to be had for future-Grace and for that I pity her. Present-Grace here watched a documentary on Michelangelo which, while fascinating, probably won't help when it comes time for Structures 101 exam...

Ah well... what can you do... unless there's some way to instantaneously invent a time machine, it seems there shall be copious amounts of cramming for this first exam in my future... will have to save time when speaking to people and only reply in monosyllables thus freeing myself up for further academic save-age.

Alrite... enough procrastination here... back to work!

Friday, October 21, 2005

I built my bridge..now I can get over anything!

Huzzah! Take that structures! In your face! [Well if a unit had a face... I would laugh in it... I'm metaphorically speaking here]

So there you go... the 35+ hours of work went into making this :

[err... the picture would go here but I can't upload it till I get home]

But its pretty-ful and yes I'm a nerd...only if we win though...which is only slightly possible.

Ok I'm off now.... gonna sabotage... I mean scope out the competition!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

cotton wool feeling

Happy birthday Mr. Ohara, who now is the little yellow blur thanks to his performances at rise this saturday!

My head is a bit full-feeling all fluffy and cotton-wool like... not as bad as cocktail but funny all the same.

Not much to say today... building myself a bridge at the moment and burnt my hand on the glue gun numerous times! *ArrtT's & CrRAfFTts is FuuUUUunn!!*

Anyway, here are some things to keep you little muffin-headed-pokemon occupied, or at least distracted before upcoming exams :

home star runner... funny little flash site

[I highly recommend the Strong Bad emails for those of you who are not hip to the ways of home star runner dot com... therein lies the origins of the great trogdor the burninator]

Arj and Poopy ... another little flash site about this american comedian guy and his cat. Arj Barker equals funny indeed.

[I recommend going to the episodes section... to warn you though, their theme song gets stuck in your head very easily *arj and poopy, arj and poopy, what will they do next!*]

And with that I leave you to your previous activitites...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

asia cocktail 05

hey there chipmunks

this will probably be the only 'drunken' post I shall ever post so enjoy it while it lasts...before I get sober, re-read and delete =)

Drink count :

  • 1 harvey wallbanger
  • 2 bourbon and cokes
  • 1 b151

there must be something I'm forgetting cos the list is pretty short and right now I'm feeling pretty tipsy/drunk. That b151 is hell good... next time not wasting money on weak drinks!

Asia dance kicked ass... my lovely friends miss djunaedi and miss loo did a absolutely fabulous job...why the hell weren't they at the front?!?

Still drunk/tipsy...room spinning... I'm a bit sad that I didn't get to stay longer and dance with above miss loo + djunaedi ... next week shall we club? I don't reckon tonight is counted!! Us three still haven't gone clubbing all together! [in perth at least ]

You know who is very funny and affectionate when drunk? Mr Teo...heheh funny stuff... I think he had too many shots...he kept spilling drinks on me!

alrite...thats enough of my drunken rambling... asia cocktail was good... but I wish I could've stayed longer but my ride [frans] was leaving and a lift is a lift... so go I did.

to sleep or to stay up? To all the rest of you who attended cocktail...make sure you drink lots of water!! Keep those hangovers away =)

anyways I'm off

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!