just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Look! My Evil Plan :

Your objective is simple: World Domination.

Your motive is a little bit more complex: Sadistic pleasure

Stage One
To begin your plan, you must first seduce a pope. This will cause the world to slaughter a sacred calf to appease the gods, overwhelmed by your arrival. Who is this despoiler of all that is good and nice and true? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good in classic black?
Stage Two
Next, you must seize control of the Moon (ooh, tides!). This will all be done from a abandoned church, a mysterious place of unrivaled dark glory. Upon seeing this, the world will spontaneously combust, as countless hordes of ninjas hasten to do your every bidding.
Stage Three
Finally, you must prepare your arcane ritual, bringing about something that's really metal. Your name shall become synonymous with sheer dementedness, and no man will ever again dare sabotage your music career. Everyone will bow before your superior firepower, and the world will have no choice but to whisper your name in fear.

Do you want an evil plan of your own? Well go get one! http://www.darksites.com/evilplan.php

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Holiday Semi-Hi-Jinx

Bands of the moment :

The Wrights [ Seriously... Evie Part 3 ... brilliant/awesome/freaking-good ... can you not tell by my many synonyms? Though in truth all three parts of their remake of Evie are pretty damn good]

Phantom Planet [ Many thank you's to Lynda for lending the cd to me. It too is very good and is continuously playing via my headphones]

Recent Movie :

Mr and Mrs Smith [ Brad Pitt with guns! Yay! But in all seriousness he does look quite nice in a suit I must say]

Recent Book :

Girl with a Pearl Earring [Pretty good, also means I will have to add this to the list of movies we need to watch *hint hint*... hooray it shall feed my Colin Firth inclination]

Time fillers [also known as photo-shopping] :

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Tis Lynda, Tina and I in our 'rock' poses. Basically just us making funny faces. And then its us again, but this time pouting!

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Ok, so what I like this one. It looks almost real and everything! Yes I know pride is a sin... *Mummy I have to go to church to confess my sins...*

So that is it and I shall see you all later.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Just like a Hermit...only not

Exam study has turned me into a hermit!

Two more exams... FA and Physics. My most "loved" of all units! In case the quotation marks weren't enough that was sarcastic.

Oh well, almost done and hopefully these last two will be ok and leave me relatively in tact.

To the rest of you also in exam-land I'm sending you **GOOD LUCK VIBES!!**

- grace [who is stressed and wants to go out damnit!]

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Johnny!!

Quick note : It's the great Johnny Depp's Birthday today!! woohoo!

So yes happy birthday to Mr Depp who is 41 today, the 9th of June =)

In honour of the occasion Tina, Lynda and Myself will be having celebratory breakfast tomorrow/today. mmm breakfast, I like breakfast!

Side note : Exam study is not going as well as I would like it to... not good... oh exams how I fear and loathe thee.

Anyway to cheer me up on this day of days some pictures of the birthday boy himself :

[hmm "birthday boy" sounds oddly suggestive...]

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So nice in his suit!
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Also very nice with his green shirt!

Anyway thats it for today, off to sleep now. Night!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!