blog news
To no one's surprise I have once again been found to be remiss in my blogging duties. Not to worry, come the morning I shall be drawn and quatered for my actions.
Wishing a belated birthday to lynda and my bro who were both born December 11.. It would've been cooler if they were born in the same year too. Then there could've been a weird twin seperation and/or baby swap! Which could in turn result in a hilarious half hour sitcom about all the wacky adventures that would then occur or perhaps some sort of sappy korean/jap drama.. not that I would even watch something like that...
The good thing about my brother's birthday is that his friends got him a Nintendo Wii which I have found is quite fun to play. Even though you look quite stupid while flailing around playing fake tennis/bowling/boxing as long as not too many people are watching you and no one is taking pictures then its O-K!
In other news myself, miss djunaedi and mr tan went off to see tripod in their "Hey, We don't make the Yules" Christmas show. Oh my, why these three chaps were indeed funny.. and just to further prove my obsession with my new digital camera here are some pics of the night :
In case you were wondering this is tripod dressed up as the three wise men. Pretty much them in giant sheets with papier maché heads.. things started getting weird when they began dancing and one of them (scod) started rapping...
This is the lovely fly by night club. Looks pretty cool here.. It'd be a nice place to have a party, oh if only I had an endless supply of money...
*Dear Santa...*
Tripod with a very festive christmas tree in the background!
Yay we even got a picture with two of them!
Here you may notice that all of our smiles look slightly forced. This is because we were stuck in that awkward situation where you've been smiling for a long time and are still waiting for the camera man to take a pic.. very embarrassing when you have two thirds of tripod standing very close to you and a bunch of tripod fans (some very nerdy/scary) waiting for you to finish.
Some more news, slightly sad, Risto Matilla was injured once again! That is to say that my beloved red car was hit by some silly old woman's car and now my indicator is broken. Silly old woman reversed into my car when I had already stopped.. it pleases me though that there is a lot more damage to her car then to Risto Matilla. Oh well what can you do, insurance info and what not was exchanged but it really does make you question whether or not we should have senile old people behind the wheels of cars. ( though to be fair she wasn't that old.. but could still be senile)
Now because I'm getting too lazy here are the rest of the news highlights :
JB HI FI the glorious emporium of cheap cds and dvds will open soon near my house! Huzzah and let the spending start soon!
Uni results are out and I am still alive. Hope you are too!
My Grandma left for indo today and my bro is leaving in a few days. At this rate there'll be no one left in perth by christmas.
Went beaching and now I am a shade or too darker then previously. My old goth self would not be pleased.
I want to see the movie Happy Feet. Cute dancing penguins and the voice of Hugh Jackman, theres not much more you could want!
I'm off now, to blog again another day.
(oh my god. Only a month out of uni and already I've turned dumb. I've had to go back 3 times to fix spelling mistakes! noo I'm turning into a Jessica Simpson!)
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