just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Monday, August 27, 2007

to facebook or not to facebook?

It seems inevitable, facebook is taking over the world! A conspiracy perhaps to take over the world, one camera-whore at a time?

At uni at the moment, stuck in lectopia-hell during my three hour break. Damn I should've just slept in today, lectopia sucks the big one... so here I am wasting my download limit on blogging in the upsl.

Had a pretty good weekend:
Friday: Jeremy's Birthday pre-drinks and Mambo! if only my camera didn't die on me... us girls would've gotten the chance to perfect the self picture taking technique.

Saturday: Whheeeeee slept in! Sleep deprived Grace was sleep deprived no more. No work for once, instead got a manicure.

Sunday: Early start.. freakishly early at 0500. miss loo, miss lai and I got some Karma points for volunteering at the Help Desk at City to Surf. and then there was pancakes! and then there was too much pancakes. and then there was a stomach ache!
At least we didn't drown in the freaking rain, I'm thinking there would have been many a runner to slip and fall into the mud. We on the other hand, were warm and dry eating breakfast and having coffee *pfft* Serves them right for being all athletic and such.
Jeremy's eng people dinner, got a change to wear my new pinafore/overalls thing, lets all just hope I really was wearing it the right way round...

Ok off to try and pay attention to the lectopia lady, blah blah metal... blah blah fishcakes

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Pick a Pack of Pictures..

Picture pretty prom-like picnic.. sort of thing. Its harder then you'd think, finding all words starting with 'P'

More pictures below, from the fancy ASIA Charity Dinner on friday.. an opportune time for all of us to respect our asian heritage, and indulge in a spot of camera-whoring.

With miss vice president herself!

Me, Cindy and Clarissa

Stole Kath from her table for a quick pic

mmm profiteroles.. with bunny ears!

ooh jungle-y!
whose got attitude? we've got A-ti-tude!In the lobby with 3 camera timers at once.. Super Camera Whoring!

Alright it must be true.. I have turned into a limited word-blogger who instead fills the space with just pictures. Only temporarily though... probably...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

more pictures to come

Got a lovely stock pile of pictures from assorted events. As soon as I find a good online album place i'll put em up. For now heres some nice ones :

aaww smiley smiley!
mmm cake..
group shot!
though quite bad with everyone looking the wrong way or not looking at all
so from this ......to this!
much nicer and with more people + Birthday girl

change of venue to the beach.
see here I'm too cool to wear sunnies, unlike the rest of them!
(plus I have bunny ears... oh yeah... I'm cool)aaw cute picture.. and only slightly posed!

lovely little beach shot with a tiny bit of ocean in the background

Ok off to pretend to do some work now, which is what you should be doing at the moment too!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!