just like a tin can hat

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Is it a bird? Or a plane?

Alas it is neither bird nor plane, it isn't even Superman which is the normal answer to that question. It is, however, something just as surprising, just as good at flying and similarly bullet proof... An update on Grace's blog *gasp*

If you need a moment to recover at the sight of something new on this here blog I shall understand and wait while you collect yourself. Feel free to go have a lie down after the shock or fetch youself some water, go get some water even if you don't feel like it... Hydration Is Important Kids!

And now a poem:

Bad bad blogger-Grace
Baddest blogger in the whole damn place!
Haven't updated in a long long while
and so is typing in rhyming style!
Have been remiss in my blogging task
is the rhyming annoying yet, I ask?
Not to worry this is the end
No more bad rhymes for you my friend!
"Oh high school english class! How useful you were in teaching me the grand AA-BB rhyming scheme!"

So in return for two months absence of blogging you get a very dodgy-type poem, aren't you glad that you are productively spending your time here?

Things from the past two months:

Exams: done, dusted, dealt with, d-over and all other things starting with D

- two full days of shopping, eating good food
- tiny domestic indo planes with lots of delays, eating bad plane food
- my cousin's pretty pretty wedding, eating both pre-wedding and post-wedding food
- huge 7-tiered wedding cake which was cut with a sword, alas didn't eat that as it was fake
Plane delays made us almost miss our plane back to perth, new experience though, running through Jakarta International Airport while they call out "Miss Ong, please board the plane.."

Harry Potter 7: bought last saturday before work, finished sunday night. It was pretty darn great and yes like the good little that I am sap I did cry. No spoilers here though I promise.

Back to Uni: Ah yes, now most of us have returned to those hallowed halls of institutionalised tertiary education, all ready and waiting to demonstrate our grasp of rare and multi-syllabled words. However to be specific, in the case of Eng its more the use of really long and complex looking equations full of latin symbols. Welcome Back To School Kids!

Darn Uni though, its first week and I already have a lovely large load of work to do. Books to read, iLecture to catch up on, my oh my do I love the overloading. Overloading you are #1!

Other stuff: I'm sure that a whole range of other things have happened over the past two months, such as Caro, Alison and I getting to see the very funny Ross Noble and of course Pirates 3 with all the Johnnys plus other miscellaneous things.

I now no longer feel like I have neglected my blog, I think this is an adequate update and shall now go off to tackle some of that uni work, that or watch one of the many pirated dvds acquired in Indo.

Bye Kids!

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!