just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm bringing Sexy back..

Yeah!!.. can't get stupid timberlake out of my head.. I apologies for singing it so much at Lynda's impromptu birthday party.

And on that note I wish:
a belated happy-early-birthday-and-temporary-farewell to miss loo

At the moment I'm trying to get myself some form of online album thing... my old one was too dusty, so my pics were "moved to the attic" I don't really know what that means... so I think I'll just get a new place to put them up. Will have to see how that goes.

Alas I am off.. In the mean time you can have a little *squizz* at a selection of the part-ay pics. (squizz is a weird word)

Swimming time!

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All the girls

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Trying to be emo...

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..well some of us trying to be emo...

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Santa old girls.. aah the memories

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very up close pic.. and slightly blurry

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can you say 'crazy'? I can.. craa-azy!

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Lynda's bday party crew..minus grace

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

thoughts o' the day

mm the house smell like chips : BBQ's are good stuffs

sleeping in after a late night : grandma will think you have some weird sleeping disorder/sickness

blog updates : dot point/weird format will suffice when lazy

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

I wonder if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would be miffed that I stole the last line of his speech to refer to the end of exams..hmm oh well.

Grace has been way too lazy to update her blog so its been neglected for over a month!

Oh dear.. the blog will probably resent me for giving it abandonment issues, then turn into a crazy axe-wielding blog intent on murdering poor unsuspecting bloggers while secretly pretending to be a mild mannered little web log, because as we all know, its always the quiet ones...always! Who knew not blogging could have so many consequences...

In order to appease the blog Gods I have put up a nifty new tag board thing aka Shoutbox, the old one went a bit odd so I had to send it to tag board heaven aka Recycle bin. I hope you come to love the new one just as much as the old one, don't hate it just cos its different! Martin Luther King Jr. would've wanted it that way.

Bah humbug! Christmas is on its way. That means its gonna start to get very hot and not many people will be here to hear me whine damnit! *shakes fist at all the people going away* But still three flightly-free months, I'm looking forward to getting really really bored =)

Things to do:

  • Work - back at 3 toting that barge and lifting that bale.
  • Buy shiny things - dvds, clothes, cds, mints and the like
  • Go to melbourne! - its revenge on all you people going over seas.. I'm going away just bout the time you all come back
  • Clean clean clean - those dust bunnies are going down.. they won't see me for..er..dust
  • Blog more - hmm though past records would indicate that last comment is probably a lie..

Anyways marshmallows, I'm off now. Todays post was brought to you by the letter M and the number 5

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!