just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Strange People : Bus Edition

I have now started working at the 3 store in the City [the one near crazy clarks in case anyone wants to visit me], meaning I am again one of the many commuters on the bus's in the mornings and afternoons.

So here are a bunch of distasteful chracters that one must learn to identify when on public transport.

Creepy, staring people
Don't sit next to them, don't make eye contact with them, don't even acknowledge their existence in case that causes more overt staring.

Groups of Giggling Girls
Annoying and loud, and yes I do remember a time when myself and other certain Miss's could be considered one of this particular group. But at least we knew we were being annoying and disrupting the quiet atmosphere of public transport. These kids today... no respect...

Smelly, unwashed people
Good to avoid at all times as a rule. Not just on buses.
Also note : try not to sit where such folk have sat as seats still smell of soaked in unsavory scents. [Now say that last sentence 10 times fast... and GO!]

People with headphones who laugh to themselves
I must confess this last category pretty much describes me on the bus recently. I downloaded the podcast of Ross Noble and Terri Psiakis who are back on triple J and I have taken to listening to them while on the bus. I can't help it, they are funny and random and every once in awhile will make me laugh very suddenly... which I must quickly muffle so that other bus passengers won't look at me too weirdly.

I'd try and quote some of their stuff but you can't quote comic genius [well you can but it always comes out dodgy and unfunny]. SO this means don't sit next to me on a bus when I'm listening to my podcast, because I will break out in silent giggles at weird and random times and I don't need the stress of someone sitting next to me thinking I need to be committed to an asylum... cos I don't... really...

Okay and now I am off to get more Ross and Terri podcasts because I need more fodder for future bus adventures.

Btw bye bye to Miss Loo who has gone over waters... have a good trip and don't forget to stay away from Olga!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Something in the Water

or perhaps its the weather lately, but some weird external force is causing me to have really detailed and very odd dreams.

Example 1 : The one where Robin Williams is in love with my sister, who is Tea Leoni, but is actually just using her to steal some shiny object. Then Robin Williams, whose name is Floco in my dream, falls in love with me. Also there were like sniper's trying to kill people and me running/crawling down travelators to get away from Robin/Floco cos I feel betrayed or some such thing.

Example 2 : The one where I live in Hogwarts and its very very big with lots of steep stairwells. There's a war going on and me and a group of people are trying to hide. We get found out and I do some spells with my wand, yes in my dream I have a wand, and end up making more noise causing the bad people to see us. Also for some reason people had bows and arrows, and it was all very medieval till people with hand guns showed up. And Harry Potter was trapped in a wooden cage of some sort.

Very weird, though I do admit that the last example may have been caused by reading one of the Harry Potter books again. Where the first one came from I don't know...

And now for an announcement :

"Ross Noble is teaming up with Terri Psiakis again for a triple j radio show like no other! Last January, their show climaxed with a cardboard Nanna being released into the air, propelled by helium balloons. Where will Ross & Terri take you in 2006?

Starts Monday January 9 from midday - for two very special weeks only."

I listened to them last year, and it was oh-so-fantastic. Really great and funny so I'm awfully pleased that they are back. Alas I think I'm gonna be working/training when they are on. Thank heavens for Podcast!

If you're free and like listening to funny people then triple j. 12pm -3pm. starts this monday!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Digs

You like? It's just as if it was autumn all the time! But what with the weather being all non-sequential in these recent times sometimes one could mistaken it to be autumn now anyways.

And now a venting post. an attempt at deep and meaningful perhaps.

Some things about myself I know to be true are : I don't like pink, I have selective taste in shoes, I often use sarcasm and the topic of this vent, I don't like confrontation.

Confrontation, it would seem, can only lead to bad things. In my mind, after a big blow up it would be difficult to move on, unless you completely ignore the confrontation all together. All this of course would depend on the scale of the issue. In the past, due to my dislike of confronation, I have learned to deal with small annoyances, doubts and what not.

However recently certain different matters have been popping up, all seeming to add to a lessened ability to deal with such annoyances, even if in hindsight they are actually quite tiny.

I don't know, maybe I'm being incoherent as always but I'm something [pissed, bitchy, confused] and I don't like it at all. Though I feel slightly better now after venting.

I'm in the mood for bitching. Dome?

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!