just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Poor blog : *Hunted, Despised!*

*in the words of Ed Wood*

We now blow the thick layer of dust from the surface of this wee blog and present forth with an update! Gasp.. I have been remiss in my blog maintenance duties and for that I should have my hands cuts off. Though in retrospect that may cause more problems within the blog-updating realm so perhaps the dismemberment can wait.

Many things to be discussed, example :

  • '3' promotional street team work is tiring, especially when one does not get paid, so quitting and sneakily getting an interview else where is all good.

  • 8 player DDR looks just plain strange. Also requires quite a bit of concentration, those jumps are tricky tricky tricky.

  • Hogbreath steak is very good. Mmm steak...

  • To those who are great observationalists my hair indeed is darker/blue. However to most people it looks the same, so phooey to you then.

  • Christmas shopping is madness, close proximity to warm-bodied-odour-carrying people is just wrong.

  • Happy belated to Miss Loo... really belated. I must say though, good little shin-dig old chap! Well done for joining us all in 18-ville =)

In any case, I shall strive to update more. Especially since now I don't really have an excuse for not updating. [I shall also strive to think of a synonym for the word update]

Hope you all had a truly smashing Boxing day and I wish to you all a great January 2nd! Think outside the box people, don't conform to society holidays! Celebrate when the rest of the country is hungover! [poor boxing day and January 2nd... no one else loves them. They've got abandonment issues]

And with that thought for you all to ponder I'm off.

[Btw Miss Loo : The word is Elective!! Now my brain can rest]

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Bad Sentence Structure

Woke up late. Did not succeed in cleaning room.

Body Combat : Endorphins are very nice. I like the hormone induced happy mood.

Lynda passed driving test! Congratulations! Apparently she was at my house. Silly girl, I was not at home... obviously... [well to me and miss loo probably. Not to those who are just now reading about it]

Gilmore Girls. Finally. Die channel nine, die. For toying with my viewing habits.

Pondered baking cookies and painting finger nails. Not at the same time. Laziness prevails. Neither were accomplished.

This post gets a C+ marks taken off for bad sentence structure. Lack of depth. However good use of set-out. Post is quite neat.

And on that note...Vote for Pedro

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!