just like a tin can hat

Bringing you the latest in inane comments and random opinions straight to your eyeballs.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

5.41 in the AM

Just got back from metros, had shower and now blogging. Too much of the alco-mo-hol and the red bull makes for one awake grace. Plus my comp is on, so had to turn it off before bed.

My feet feel all pins and needle-y.. is that normal? One should think not. Back in the old days I'd probably be advised to use leeches to drain all that excess blood from my system. Thankfully we don't live in the olden days and sleep is probably the best cure for me right now.

Off to bed chickens, where you all are probably right now!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

what is that? no it can't be..

Once again Grace's little blog is neglected, left to fend for itself in this harsh wilderness known as the internet. Blame Facebook and Teevee and Pac Man and DVDs and Exams. Exams which are now finally over! Hooray we can now get down to business with all important summer-day bumming around time, lovely lovely.

First afternoon of the holidays has already gone well :
  • Massage at Health Point in garbo, I think I fell asleep and dreamt about the exam I just did. Very relaxing.. not the part about dreaming bout exams, the actual massage part that is.
  • Manicure at the bitchy professionails. Is it a requirement for all nail painters to appear annoyed and act rude? or is it something they learn on the job..
Bring on the movie marathons and going out and beach-ing and Christmas I say!

Marathons to be completed this summer :
  • Gangster/mafia movie marathon: Godfather parts I, II and III and Scarface. Who doesn't love old style gang warfare -> guns and cool guys in suits.
  • Disney marathon: cos after all that bloodshed and backstabbing what you really need is singing mice and dancing teapots. It's been a while but I'm pretty sure I'll know all the words still. Is that a skill or just sad?
  • Musical marathon: Its hard to believe but there are some people (i.e. stef and yenny) in this world who have never seen Grease!! Its a travesty, an abomination, an all out outrage and I intend to rectify it as soon as possible! *summer loving had me a bla-ast!*
  • Johnny Depp and Gilmore Girls marathon: because no holiday experience is complete without johnny and gilmore girls dvds.
That list looks quite long.. considering thats four different marathons... I think excerise will definitely need to be put on my to-do-list what with all the couch potato points I'm accruing. And so this calls for yet another set of dot points...

to-do-list :
  • Work work work, gotta make the moneys that make all other things on the list possible
  • Shopping, a perennial holiday favourite. Need shoes, need more dvds, need more clothes.
  • Sleep, all this exam nonsense has severely cut down on the whole sleeping thing. Totally bogus man!
  • Hang out with people, everyone is leaving so must make sure to use up all possible hanging-out minutes.
  • Clean my room, no one needs that much paper on the floor, chuck out all those notes I say!
  • Excercise, I guess seeing as I said it should be on the list. Swimming sounds nice
It feels much nicer after exams. I think I've been in panic-mode for the last two months and I must say its really unpleasant. Now comes that time where I say "Next semester I'll be better". Hopefully I'll actually be able to. Definitely Year 3, 2nd semester sucked the big one and I really don't want to do that again.

And so, boys and girls, with lists-a-plenty and three months of free-free-freeeeedom its time to start the holidays! Jolly good I must say.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Grace is one old chappy

Grace is
  • no longer sick
  • coming to the end of her "study" break
  • quite pleased with her and lynda's movie marathon efforts
  • slightly worried that she has not done any study
  • now 20 YEARS OLD!!!
Theres a lovely huge stack load of pics from party night, alas too many so go facebook cos Grace is lazy... here is a nice one though:Ok back to the gold-mine of distraction, Grace is off to tag on facebook!

Monday, September 03, 2007


Let us all celebrate that flu season is still upon us, even though its officially Spring now. Thanks to the joint efforts of many of my friends, together with talking to lots of people, for I am in sales :
I Am Now Sick

Hu-zzah for the sneezing and sniffling and general phlegm-ee-ness. Feeling quite whiny and tired now. Had some lovely tea and a nice chat with miss lynda though, so my throat is slightly less painful.

RE: Facebook. Yes I've succumbed and now cannot get away. The conspiracy that is facebook lives on! There are way too many useless applications to add, and lots of photos to go check out. Distraction and procrastination abounds indeedy.

Things to do:
  • Catch up on hours-upon-hours of monotonous iLecture. Can you feel my excitement?
  • Two extra shifts at work, both this week and next week. Well at least I'll get a chance to spread on my germs to get back at all those customers who made me sick in the first place.
  • Wear warmer clothes. Even though I'm very ready for it to get warmer and be done with all this wind and rain nonsense.
Things to look forward to:
  • Birthday!! Good byee teenage-ness, helloo early 20's!
  • Birthday Party!! (self explanatory)
  • Haircut and manicure. Time for something different, and fancy new nails too.
  • Mid-sem Break. Conveniently forgetting all sorts of assessments due once the break is over.
Ok off to try and sleep a bit earlier so as to help out the ol' immune system.

Btw, went to Caro's Blog and did what I was told to and turn
ed myself into a simpsons character:Looks nothing like me.. except for the glasses.. and I have earrings like that.. and I also have that shade of lipgloss... and the same coloured hair. But other than that, looks nothing like me, and for some reason I've got a pair of stethoscopes...

Triple word score points for reaching the very bottom of the page!